Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why This Blog?

There are hundreds and maybe thousands of blogs on Smartphones and mobile computing. So Why did I start this blog? Three reasons:
  1. Use of Smartphones is exploding in the US -- in a down economy. The future of this segment is very bright. Smartphones and its variants the tablet/slate will be the PCs of this decade.
  2. General lack of well researched and unbiased information on this subject. With a few exceptions, analysis by bloggers and editors is very biased and incomplete. It mostly consists of personal experiences, analysis of a few tweets from freinds and family of how they love or hate the device. This is not serious research but just somebody's opinion. Just look at the coverage of Google Nexus-One by PC week. A lot of articles all over the map.
  3. I would like to bring the perspective of the real users not just geeks like me who live for new gadgets and devices.
My overall goal is to bring well researched, unbiased research with occasional rants and raves (hey I am human) on this exciting new subject. So here is what to expect:
  • Device reviews
  • Primary Market Research
  • Expert Opinions from people other than myself
  • Occasional Case studies and experiences of real customers

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